Imran Khan history's Oxford University

 Imran Khan went to the College of Oxford's Keble School during the 1970s, where he concentrated on Governmental issues, Reasoning, and Financial aspects (PPE).

Khan's political and social views were significantly influenced by his time at Oxford. During his time at Keble School, he became associated with the college's discussing society, where he leveled up his public talking abilities and fostered his advantage in governmental issues. Additionally, he was a member of the university's cricket team, and his performance on the field contributed to the start of his professional career in cricket.

An important part of Khan's personal and professional history is still his time at Oxford. He has said that the things he did at the university helped shape his worldview and gave him the skills and knowledge he needed to be successful in politics and cricket. In addition, over the course of his career, he has maintained ties to the university and has delivered lectures and talks there on a variety of subjects, including his political views and experiences in Pakistan.
